Nana Oye’s $1.5m suit: Tony Lithur enters an appearance, seeks order to dismiss action



Tony Lithur, a private legal practitioner has filed a notice of appearance to challenge a libel action initiated by his former wife, Nana Oye Bampoe who is seeking some $1.5 million in damages.

The notice of appearance filed on May 14, 2024, which would be moved on May 27, 2024, is seeking “an order dismissing or staying or striking out Plaintiff’s (Nana Oye) writ of Summons and Statement of claim.”

Tony Lithur’s motion was filed in pursuance of order 11 rules 18(1)(a)/ (b)/(d).

“Take Notice that Plaintiff shall move the Honourable Court for an order dismissing or staying or striking out Plaintiff’s Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim filed on April 25, 2024, on grounds (a) that they do not disclose a reasonable cause of action against Defendant; and or (b) that same are frivolous and vexatious; and/or (c) that they constitute abuse of process of the Court; “And for such further order(s) as the Court may deem,” he stated.

The former Minister for Gender, Children, and Social Protection, Nana Oye Bampoe Addo initiated the legal action against her former husband Tony Lithur for libel on April 24, 2024.

She is demanding damages in a total sum of $1.5 million.

According to Nana Oye Bampoe, her reputation has been injured by her former husband, who had filed an action seeking divorce.

The two were customarily married on April 14, 1991, and the marriage was converted into ordinance marriage by the parties in January 1998 and on May 2, 2018.

Mr. Lithur (defendant) then filed a petition for divorce against Nana Oye (plaintiff), which was part heard and yet to be concluded.

Nana Oye said in the divorce petition, the defendant made false averments and caused the defamatory words to be published.

She is however seeking the following relief from her former husband.

“General damages of the Ghana Cedi equivalent forex bureau buying the equivalent of USD500,000.00 (five hundred thousand dollars) for libel contained in Divorce Petition filed on 2nd May 2018 and subsequent pleadings filed during the said Divorce Petition contained in paragraphs 8 and 9 of this Statement of Claim as follows:

“Exemplary damages of the Ghana Cedi forex buying the equivalent of $1,000,000.00 (one million dollars) for libel particulars of which are contained in relief (a).

“A perpetual injunction restraining the Defendant jointly and severally either by himself and or his assign(s) from further making any averments or publishing or causing to be published, the said defamatory words or similar words.

“A retraction and apology to be published on social media including, on Defendant’s Facebook wall, the website of Lithurbrew & Company, the Twitter and Instagram handles of Defendant, and all his social media handles and on the website of the Ghanaweb together with the website of Joyfm, Peacefm and Citi FM.