A mum has been left with a broken eye socket after she says she was spiked and attacked with a mobile phone by a man who followed her home from a night out.
Blaze Jessop, 19, says she was attacked while on the way home from a night out with her sister.
She suffered a broken eye socket and cheekbone in the alleged attack.
Blaze was out with her older sister on November 26 for drinks in Hull’s Old Town, HullLive reports.
The 19-year-old says that while she was at a bar a woman came up to her and pointed at a group of men and said “watch out for them – I just get a strange vibe”.

Blaze says she suffered a broken eye socket, broken cheekbone, broken thumb, two black eyes and a bruised nose in the alleged attack
The mum says she then began to vomit and claims she was “thrown out” of the bar by bouncers.
Blaze and her sister got a taxi to go back to her sister’s home before calling their mum Carrie.
Concerned mother-of-seven, Carrie said: “They got home and were telling me they loved me – the usually fluffy mood after a night out, and the next thing you know, the phone just went blank and went off. I was terrified.
“I later tried to get in touch with them but their phones had died.”

Blaze claims a man let himself into the home while they were on the phone with their mum at about 2.20 am and said “what now girls”.
The pair “shoved him” out of the house before a fight erupted on the street.
Carrie claims her daughters were “almost beaten to death” after being attacked by the man.
“My eldest daughter told me today that she knows she can just tell she had been spiked. She said two days later, her pupils are really small and she has been having nose bleeds.”
The following day, the family were unsure what had happened so went back to the Old Town bar from the night before.
Blaze said: “We saw the CCTV evidence from the Saturday night and saw the attacker straight away.”
Carrie said: “You could see a man pointing to loads of girls. There seemed to be a group of them but then this one-pointed and you could see they spiked their drinks. It’s all on CCTV.”
Humberside Police are currently investigating the claims.
A force spokeswoman said: “We are in the early stages of investigating an alleged assault of a woman on Belmont Street in Hull.
“The incident took place at around 2 am on Saturday, November 27.
“It is reported that a man joined the victim and another woman in a taxi from Hull city centre to Belmont Street. After they arrived it is reported that a disturbance took place and the man assaulted the woman.
“Officers attended at the scene on Saturday morning and supported those involved, making sure they were safe and at no further risk. The suspect had fled the scene.
“The investigation will look to establish the full circumstances of the incident and anyone who can assist with our enquiries is asked to call our non-emergency number 101 quoting reference 16/116889/21.”
Blaze said: “The man hit me with a Nokia phone and beat me up. I now have a broken eye socket, broken cheekbone, shattered nose, shattered thumb and two black eyes.”

Blaze says a woman tried to warn her about a group of men before she was ‘thrown out’ the bar
Mum Carrie also claims Blaze’s sister, who does not want to be named, “smacked her head on the street and had a concussion.”
Carrie said: “The girls screamed so loud that the neighbours heard them. If they hadn’t then the neighbours wouldn’t have called an ambulance to take them to the hospital.
“My girls are only 5ft 4ins and about eight stone so they are only tiny. He almost beat them to death. They told me that people came out of their homes into the street to try and stop it.