MTN officials engage 3000 students at Youth Empowerment Summit in Tamale


MTN’s Corporate Communication Senior Manager, Georgina Asare Fiagbenu, and Senior Manager of API Partnerships at MTN Group Fintech, Ruth Badoo Bruce, were speakers at the 2024 Youth Empowerment Summit.

The summit was hosted by the Martha Inspires Foundation and brought together about 3000 students. The theme of the summit was “Inspire Inclusion to Support Youth Participants.”

Georgina Asare Fiagbenu emphasized the importance of standing out and aspiring for excellence as a young person. She highlighted that aspiring for excellence sets individuals apart from the crowd and creates opportunities. According to her, striving for excellence enables the building of a strong personal brand and helps individuals become the best version of themselves.

Ruth Badoo Bruce encouraged the youth to be more resilient in overcoming their challenges. Her session, titled “The Overcomer,” focused on the significance of maintaining a clear vision of one’s goals. She stressed the importance of having a clear picture of where one wants to go and continuously pushing towards that goal to stay motivated and focused.

The summit also featured speeches from Jeremiah Buabeng, CEO of Group Buabeng, and Marvin Selassie Ackuayi, a student advocate and entrepreneur. The event was chaired by Hajia Lamnatu Adam, Executive Director of Sungtaba, a Non-Governmental Organization in the Northern region.

MTN has been actively involved in the Youth Empowerment Summit for the past 8 years. The platform enables MTN to engage with the youth in Northern Ghana and inspire their development. The summit is an annual initiative by the Martha Inspires Foundation, designed to mentor and guide Senior High School (SHS) and tertiary students to acquire the necessary behaviors and skills for a brighter future.

Cross section of students at the Youth Empowerment Summit in Tamale

Ruth Badoo Bruce, Senior Manager of API Partnerships at MTN Group Fintech

Sheila Sorinye, Community Relations Advisor of MTN Ghana presenting MTN souvenirs to students

A group picture of Kumbungu SHS students at the Youth Empowerment Summit in Tamale


A group of picture of students of Dabokpa Technical Institute at the Youth Empowerment Summit in Tamale

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