Head at Paintsil, Paintsil and CO, Lawyer Kwaku Paintsil, has cautioned journalists, commentators, and the general public to exercise restraint when commenting on Martin Amidu’s petition to President Akufo-Addo.
On Friday, May 17, Martin Amidu petitioned President Akufo-Addo seeking the removal of the Special Prosecutor.
Mr Amidu cited procurement breaches in the purchase of vehicles for the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) and abuses involving judges and the administration of justice as the yardstick for the petition.
In response, the President forwarded the petition to the Chief Justice, Gertrude Sackey Torkornoo for review.
The Chief Justice has instructed Special Prosecutor Kissi Agyebeng to provide his comments on the matters raised in a petition seeking his impeachment.
Speaking on Adom FM’s Burning Issues with Akua Boakyewaa Yiadom, Lawyer Paintsil warned that comments on this matter should avoid being seen as prejudicial or contemptuous.
He emphasized that pre-emptive judgments or statements that could be construed as support or condemnation of either Amidu or Agyebeng might lead to contempt charges, as the case’s merit will be determined by the Chief Justice’s committee.
“In Ghana, the way people are pre-judgmental about cases before the court is worrying, and with this petition someone could be jailed in care is taken,” he stated.
Mr. Paintsil also outlined the grounds for the removal of the Special Prosecutor, as stipulated by the act establishing the OSP.
“The act which established the OSP states four or five major things which one can base on to remove the SP from the office which are; stated misbehavior or incompetence, incapacity to perform the functions of the office because of infirmity of body or mind, woeful violation official oath or oath of secrecy and finally, conduct which brings or is likely to bring the office of the Special Prosecutor into disrupt ridicule or contempt,” the Lawyer mentioned.
- You can’t judge Kissi Agyebeng by your ‘low standards’ – Martin Amidu told
- Martin Amidu files petition to remove Special Prosecutor