Man turns cemetery into cassava farm


Residents of Busua, a community in the Ahanta West District of the Western Region, last week woke up to the bizarre news of eating cassava grown on tombs at a cemetery in the area.
The issue generated huge uproar among the residents, particularly the youth, who called for the head of the farmer who was engaged in that act.
According to the residents, the action of the farmer was uncalled for, expressing fear that it might have affected their health.
Investigations by our affiliate station revealed that the 36-year-old farmer, Papa Ndah, has been farming at the cemetery for several years.
His customers, Amansan Television (ATV) further investigations revealed, were residents from Sekondi-Takoradi, Dixcove and Agona-Nkwanta.
When ATV contacted the Queenmother of Agyambra, who resides at Busua, Nana Akissi Apenti III, she confirmed that the farmer, his wife and children have over a decade made the cemetery as their home and have been farming there as well.
According to her, efforts by community leaders to move Papa Ndah and his family from the place have proved futile.
“l have also lodged a formal complaint at the Environmental Health Department office at the Ahanta West District Assembly, waiting for their response,” she disclosed.