A man ran to his bedroom in terror after claiming he filmed his wife’s porcelain dolls ‘moving on their own’ inside a glass cabinet – for the second time.
Chad Gassert says he had witnessed paranormal experiences with the trio of toys previously, so when he spotted it happening again he caught it on film before running out of the room.
Viewers say they can see a ‘pair of eyes’ behind the dolls as they move and one advised him to leave the house immediately after he shared the footage online.
Chad was alone at home in Ohio, US, while his wife Victoria Andrews-Gassert was out, and he captured the moment the smallest of the tree dolls moved forwards in the cabinet – seemingly of its own accord.

The camera continues to scan around the room as Chad comments that the dolls ‘keep moving’ before a pile of clothes topple to the floor with no one near them.
His video drew comparisons to the notorious Annabelle doll, which was allegedly so haunted it had to be kept in a safe occult museum and inspired a franchise of horror films.
But Chad claims it’s not the first time he’s caught the spooky movements on film, saying he captured them moving across the room earlier in the year.
The latest clip sees Chad ‘completely freak out’ as one of the dolls lurches sideways on the shelf, with its feet knocking against the glass.

It’s led to Chad pledging to leave the home as he admitted he had fled to his bedroom and ‘watched the door’ waiting for someone to come in.
He said: “I’m in my room right now watching the door. I wish it was [trickery]….wife is gone at the moment… [I’m the] only one here.
“I’m still a little shook. I went to my bedroom and was looking at the door, waiting for that motherf***er to bust through it.
“This is the second time this [has] happened now. Last time was just the doll [that moved]. And now a completely different doll is moving and clothes just fall off the couch.
“It only happens when I’m here by myself.”

Footage left others on social media petrified, as many told him to move out of the home and ‘burn the doll’.
One person said they had spotted a ‘pair of eyes’ behind the dolls just before they moved and a couple commented to say they saw the doll ‘sit straight back up’.
One replied to say: “Dude, something is in that house, 100%. That doll just slid one way then back up… HELL TO THE NO!!!! GET OUT.”
A second asked: “Tell me you burnt the doll… Burning the doll will do it … For sure.”138208672551
Another suggested: “Don’t be afraid. Be forceful and polite and ask it to leave with blessings.”
A fourth added: “Wow…..that’s some freaky stuff. Say some prayers to God in front of them.
“Put a crucifix in there with them. Our Lord is stronger than their demon. If it is a demon.”