Lockdown Breaches: Diasporans suggest better ways of dealing with defiant citizens



Some Ghanaians living abroad have suggested better ways of dealing with people who may go against the restrictions imposed on parts of the country.

With concerns emerging about brutalities being meted out to recalcitrant Ghanaians, a Ghanaian resident in Belgium, Juninah Yakubo, has suggested that instead of the high-handedness, security officers should consider giving defiant citizens communal jobs to do.

“I totally condemn the security brutalities; if some defiant persons want to go out, give them jobs to do. Let them do things they do not want to do because the beating will not solve the problem,” she opined.


Get defiant persons to distill gutters for like a month. I heard some markets are infested with rats, let them go hunting for them, Juninah suggested.

A Ghanaian resident in Colorado, United State of America, Solomon Owusu who also commented on the issue of non-compliance from some persons also suggested that an instant fine be imposed on such people.

“In Colorado, the system works; you will pay a fine of $1000 dollars or face a jail term should you breach the lockdown. This deters a lot of people from going out and I believe Ghana will go a long way in the fight should she enforce such policy,” he said.

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