Leaked tape on IGP: Grant our witnesses protection – Supt. Asare’s counsel


The lawyer for one of the senior police officers at the centre of the leaked tape plot to mastermind the removal of the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Dr George Akuffo Dampare, is demanding that the committee grants some new witnesses protection.

This is to enable them to offer some crucial testimony against the IGP.

Two weeks ago, the lawyers wrote to the parliamentary committee investigating the matter, requesting that it invite two potential witnesses, including a senior police officer, to provide more information to the committee to aid their work.

The letter has since been leaked to the public, and a situation lawyer for Supt. George Asare, Alfred Paapa Darkwa, say is of grave concern to them.

“We wrote a letter to the committee and indicated certain names that will come and testify. Unfortunately, the content of the letter got leaked. These are individuals that are supposed to be anonymous, which is why they were required to testify in camera. We do not know how the letter got leaked; we have our own suspicions,” he said.

He added that they have written to the parliamentary committee to conduct an investigation to establish how the letter leaked.

He also explained that these potential “witnesses are apprehensive, and in fact, one of them has even indicated that he is not willing to testify anymore. So, these are issues, and we think that whoever leaked this thing has done a very great disservice to the nation.”

According to him, the witnesses should rather be encouraged, adding that “What this thing has done has the potential of undermining the work of the committee and rather exposing them because we cannot do a half-baked job.”

Meanwhile, the in-camera hearing expected to take place on October 2 has been postponed.