Lack of ethical behaviour leads to greed at work places – Special Prosecutor


The Special Prosecutor of the Republic of Ghana, Kissi Agyebeng, has said lack of ethical behaviour at work places and society begets morally opprobrious conduct.

According to him, lack of ethical behaviour engenders greed and individual interest, adding, it encourages the setting aside of regulation and lowers standards.

Mr Agyebeng made these statements when he delivered an Ethics Lecture for Engineers at the Engineers Centre.

The Annual Ethics Lecture has been instituted by the Ghana Institution of Engineering (GhIE) to provide platform for seasoned speakers to bring to bear the importance of ethics and how its strong foundation can reduce corruption in society.

Speaking under the team: ‘Quality Infrastructure and Engineering Services; The Engineer, Politician and Ethical Behavior,’ the Special Prosecutor told the engineers that lack of ethics sadly breeds corrupt-collusion between the politician and the engineer through the inordinate batter of promise-for-promise bribery and illicit enrichment to our collective impairment.

Lack of ethicalness begets morally opprobrious conduct at work places – Special Prosecutor

He added that it is practically impossible to weed out corruption in Ghana, but his outfit will make it costly and unattractive for people to engage in it.

In his welcome address, the Chair of Professional Practice and Ethics Committee of the GhIE, Ing. Ludwig Hesse, reminded the engineers that all members and registered entities shall uphold the highest standard of integrity in the practice of engineering and order their conduct in accordance with the Code of Ethics of the Institution.

Lack of ethicalness begets morally opprobrious conduct at work places – Special Prosecutor

The chairperson for the ceremony, Elizabeth Ohene, former Minister of State, said there is always engineering solutions to problems surrounding us; adding, “If Engineers do their work, we will be fine”.

“It is only when engineers do not do their work, then we won’t be fine”.

Present at the programme were Ing. Kwabena Bempong – President-Elect of GhIE; Ing. Michael Dedey – Vice-President of GhIE; Ing. David Kwatia Nyante – Executive Director of GhIE; Past Presidents and Council members of GhIE.