Koku Anyidoho sues NDC’s Dzifa Gunu for GH¢10m



Activist of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Dzifa Gunu, has been handed a lawsuit for some statements he allegedly made against Samuel Koku Anyidoho.

In the writ of summons, he is alleged to have said that Mr Anyidoho made several attempts on the life of former President John Mahama by visiting shrines in Benin and Togo.

Also, the plaintiff was also accused of being guilty of narcotic abuse after substances were allegedly discovered in his house.

The accuser is also said to have made a categorical statement that Mr Anyidoho caused the death of his eight-year-old daughter who was involved in a car accident.

Mr Anyidoho has described the statements as untrue and deliberate attempts to tarnish his hard-earned reputation.

The Former Deputy General Secretary of the NDC and now Chief Executive Officer of the Atta Mills Institute is demanding damages to the tune of GH¢ 10,000,000.00.

Mr Anyidoho, per his lawsuit, is also demanding aggravated, exemplary and compensatory damages for what he described as reckless and malicious publications.

He is, thus, seeking a retraction and apology.

Accompanying his suit was a message he left on social media:

“Since some urchins have decided that the only way to gain recognition from their paymasters, is, by defaming me on social media; I have chosen the legal path to seek redress & still hold on to my conviction that Ghana is not a Banana Republic. I don’t care whose ox is gored!!!”

Below are copies of the writ:


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