Former Chairman of the Ghanaian community in Kenya, Francis Gyerakor has reacted to the recent protests in Kenya against a controversial finance bill proposing new tax hikes.

He stressed the need for dialogue to prevent further unrest.

“We pray that everyone will come to a consensus and prevent riots,” Gyerakor expressed, highlighting the importance of peaceful resolution”  he said in an interview on Adom FM’s morning show, Dwaso Nsem, Wednesday.

The protests, known as “7 Days of Rage,” began peacefully but escalated into violence as security forces clashed with protesters, leading to vandalism of state properties and an attack on the Parliament building in Nairobi.

Kenya has been a favored destination for many Ghanaian tourists and business owners exploring opportunities under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Initiative, which both Ghana and Kenya have signed onto.

But Mr. Gyerakor said the protests as “an expression of frustration from both government and the people.”

Regarding the justification of the taxation, Mr. Gyerakor refrained from making a definitive statement, stating, “To say whether the taxation is justifiable or not, I cannot state.”

He stressed the importance of dialogue and understanding rather than confrontation.

“We can’t fight fire with fire. We are human beings with emotions, but when we listen to each other, we should put aside our political colours and work together to build our country to our satisfaction,” he said.

Concerning the safety of Ghanaians in Kenya amidst the protests, the former Chairman of the Ghanaian community, advised them to be cautious.

“Ghanaians living here should stay home until things settle down because safety is important,” he cautioned, reassuring that he has not received reports of any incidents affecting Ghanaians.


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