Kanvili Kpawmo residents cry foul over lack of water supply for three months


Residents of Kanvili Kpawmo in the Sagnarigu Municipality are voicing their growing frustration over the ongoing water supply disruption by Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL).

The community has been without tap water for more than three months, yet households continue to receive and pay monthly water bills, prompting widespread outrage.

According to the residents, the last time they had access to tap water was on December 14, 2024.

Since then, they have been forced to rely on expensive private water tankers and sachet water, leading to a significant increase in their cost of living and raising concerns about potential health risks.

“It’s unacceptable that we’re being billed for a service we’re not receiving. GWCL seems more interested in collecting revenue than ensuring we have access to clean water,” said a frustrated resident.

Kanvili Kpawmo is not alone in facing these issues. Other communities have also accused the water provider of failing to meet expectations and deliver the necessary services.

A statement from community member Lazarus Avonsige highlighted the growing frustration, stating, “The situation has eroded trust in GWCL’s commitment to serving the public.”

Residents are now calling for the immediate restoration of water supply and a fair billing system that accurately reflects actual consumption. They are urging regulatory authorities to intervene and ensure that public utilities prioritize service delivery over profit-making.