Kanewu-Adjei Kojo residents threaten demo over alleged land sales


Residents of Kanewu-Adjei Kojo in Tema West have threatened a demonstration on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 over an alleged ongoing land sale along the Accra-Tema motorway.

According to the residents, an unidentified land developer has purchased a parcel of land that serves as the community’s only accessible route, potentially cutting off their ease of movement.

Speaking to Citi News, the Assembly Member for Adjei Kojo, Charity Saimeh raised concerns about the situation, explaining that this is the only route to the community.

According to her, blocking the road means preventing residents from having access to the community.

Mrs. Saimeh thus called on authorities to intervene, while warning the developer to halt all activities on the land immediately.

“The issue over here is that a road reservation that the community uses to apply to Kanewu, all of a sudden, there’s a developer [who] wants to block down the road. And when they blocked the road, it denied access to the community so we are sending a strong warning to the developer and we are pleading to TDC.

“We are sending a strong warning to the developer that he also lives in the community and even if he doesn’t live in the community, this is the only route or way to the Kanewu community.”

“So we are pleading and sending a warning to them that they should leave this road so that the community can access the road. We want to demonstrate because I had a call and went to the Municipal office and they informed us that they were also alerted. We’ll be demonstrating because we want this road to be left, this is the only access to the community.”

Meanwhile, a member of the Bawumia Youth Team, Mamudu Bawre Sumalia, stressed that the situation should not be politicised.

He emphasised that residents have the right to an accessible road and warned that they would resist any attempt by the developer to block the community’s access.

“What is going on here is illegal and it is the right of the people to have access to the road to the community, in case of a fire breakout, where are they going to pass? It’s the only road linking to the community now, we can’t be here as leaders and such a thing will happen. I’m representing my party and this is not a political issue.”


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