Kanda Bongo Man Meets Rawlings At Last (PHOTOS)


Congolese soukous musician Kanda Bongo Man who is in Accra to perform for the African Legends Night called on former President Jerry John Rawlings at his Ridge office in Accra on Friday.

Bongoman whose signature dance moves have endeared him to many across the continent, said he was overwhelmed by the opportunity to call on the former President describing him as an idol he had wanted to meet for decades.

“I was here (Ghana) in 1994 to perform for the Panafest Festival alongside Stevie Wonder but I missed an opportunity to meet you,” he told Flt Lt Rawlings.

The former President complimented the soukous dancer whose dance skills gave birth to the intricate kwassa kwassa dance rhythm where the hips move back and forth while the hands move to follow the hips.

They shared a humorous moment when President Rawlings decided to match the Congolese hat for hat by donning his Texan hat to take some memorable photos.

Other performers for the African Legends Night on Saturday are Abrantie Amakye Dede and Daddy Lumba.