Week nine of Joy Prime’s culinary show for kids, Big Chef, ended on an amazing note as judges were left in awe after being served with amazing meals prepared by the contestants.
As part of showing appreciation to Indomie – a sponsor of the competition – the contestants were tasked to inject their own creativities into making ‘indomie meals’.
The kitchen was brought to a standstill as the six remaining contestants battled to prove Indomie is not just a quick-fix meal but a whole satisfying cuisine on its own.

From boiling, blending, baking, frying and grilling, the contestants went beyond imaginations to plate never-seen meals the judges were so obsessed with.

Nana Adwoa presented crispy golden Indomie with minced beef and vegetable sauté while Loviette gave her a tough battle with Indomie Sharwama.

The only two men remaining, Clifford and Cristopher gave each other a tight competition with Cheesy Indomie and Stir Fried Indomie with Indolait (a combination of Indomie and Dolait blended together).

Two-time ‘winner of the week’, Abigail, platted Indomie pie with boiled Indomie, giving Maame Yaa’s Indomie Pepper chicken a run for its life.

After their elegant presentations, the judges were stuck to crowning a winner between Abigail and Clifford, but eventually settled on Clifford on the basis of excellent plating.

Meanwhile, last week, Khadijah Malik and Maria Chiara De Matters waved their final goodbyes to the competeition after proving their worth in 8 weeks.