Jehovah’s Witnesses launch Global Invitation Campaign for the Memorial of Christ’s Death


Jehovah’s Witnesses have launched a global campaign to invite the public to an event the Witnesses consider to be the most important of the year, the Memorial of Christ’s death, which will take place at all kingdom halls of Jehovah’s witnesses.

This year’s memorial anniversary of Jesus’ death which according to the bible’s lunar calendar falls on Tuesday, April 11 has the theme “Peace, Health and Prosperity everyone’s Dream”.

According to the Witnesses, the commemoration will include a discourse explaining why Jesus’ death which occurred almost two thousand years ago is relevant in modern times and how it inspires hope for the future.

“We would like as many people as possible to benefit from the spiritual guidance this ceremony will offer,” they said.

They said the event would enable all in attendance to reflect on the value of the two greatest expressions of love shown in the universe.

“Firstly, the love shown to mankind by our heavenly father Jehovah God by allowing his only-begotten Son to die for us; and secondly the love Jesus showed in giving up his life willingly for our salvation.”

Throughout the campaign, some eight million Witnesses around the globe will personally visit their neighbors to invite them to this event. Last year, nearly 20 million people attended the Memorial observance.

The Witnesses hope to reach a new all-time peak in attendance for this year’s Memorial, which will be held on Tuesday, April 11, after sundown.

Many who have attended the memorial have been impressed with the orderliness with which the meetings had been conducted and the way family members sat close to each other.

Jesus celebrated the Passover with his apostles, dismissed Judas Iscariot, and then instituted the Lord’s Evening Meal.

This meal replaced the annual Jewish Passover and therefore Jehovah’s Witnesses rightfully observe the Memorial of Christ’s death once a year.

The witnesses appealed to families, friends, relatives, acquaintances and the public to attend the event at the nearest Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witness.

The event will be followed by a special Bible Talk entitled “How to cultivate peace in angry world” on Sunday 16th march 2017.

source: Ghana/Adom News/Kofi Assan

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