Ernest-Frimpong-Amenfi East NPP

The Municipal Chief Executive(MCE) for Wassa Amenfi East, Frederick Korankye, has said he will consider the comments of New Patriotic Party(NPP) parliamentary candidate, Ernest Frimpong as an occupational hazard.

However, Mr Korankye in an interview on Adom FM’s morning show, Dwaso Nsem Thursday added that, it should be condemned in no uncertain terms.

“We can’t deny that mining activities are causing a lot of problems in Amenfi East so from time to time, we engage the miners.

It was unfortunate he [Frimpong] made those comments and if there was any better to have presented his message, he could have done that. That is why we converged an emergency meeting to assess the content of the video and drew the attention of the police,” he said.

Mr Frimpong was arrested and subsequently granted bail on Wednesday evening after the police took a statement from him regarding his comments in a video that has gone viral.

In a video, he appeared to urge miners to retaliate against police officers and soldiers who attempted to extort money from them.

The candidate has denied the allegations, asserting his remarks were taken out of context from a two-hour engagement with artisanal small-scale miners and emphasised that his intentions were misrepresented.

But Mr Korankye has assured Amenfi East is a peace community and it will not take the words of Mr Frimpong for the people to cause chaos.

Citing the brutal killing of a young man, Kofi Adjei by a Policeman few weeks ago, he said residents have been calm and trust the law enforcement agency to probe the incident and take the necessary action.

“We have cooperated and existed peacefully with security operatives and this is not the time we will destroy the peace in Amenfi East,” he noted.

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