Social media users flooded the web on Thursday with intriguing posts, commemorating National Boyfriends Day.
While some users filled their timeline with lovely pictures of their partners, others used the day to generate some interesting memes.

After she cooks special jollof for you in honor of #NationalBoyfriendDay1,1003:30 PM – Oct 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy339 people are talking about this

Her mother’s daughter@Tashaberries1

It’s #NationalBoyfriendDay
Which of them should I post? Prolly I should do a picture college.
4273:04 PM – Oct 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy110 people are talking about this

My single ass after seeing couple pictures and videos on #NationalBoyfriendDay.1,7672:41 PM – Oct 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy822 people are talking about this


Vacancy! Vacancy!! Vacancy!!!
5 boyfriends urgently needed
Qualifications: Financially, emotionally, physically and spiritually balanced.
Apply within.
Follow me and i will follow back immediately.3812:57 PM – Oct 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy37 people are talking about this

Dulcis-Fola Imagery@dulcisphotos

Out with babe #NationalBoyfriendDay
90712:55 PM – Oct 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy256 people are talking about this

My Girlfriend Hasn’t Wished Me For A #NationalBoyfriendDay I Think I’m Dating Myself
87111:53 AM – Oct 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy240 people are talking about this

#NationalBoyfriendDay and the girl posted a different boy this is what happened 1365:50 PM – Oct 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy95 people are talking about this