Dear Coleen,
I’m a 48-year-old man and I’ve been growing increasingly frustrated at spending more than a decade living a single life.
I have a passion for trance music and, at a recent rave, I was introduced to a gorgeous woman through a mutual friend.
We immediately bonded and have been meeting up for a number of weeks.
Things had been progressing really well between us and we have decided the time is right for her to stay over at mine for a weekend.
I’m excited by the prospect, but I’m also a little nervous given that I have not spoken to my new lady friend yet about my unusual pet, for fear that it would discourage her from staying at my house.
I have a five-year-old ball python called Derek. Although large, he is extremely placid and calming.
However, I am very aware that he might seem quite intimidating to people who don’t know him.
My new girlfriend has already mentioned to me in conversation that she doesn’t have any pets, so I’m worried Derek might be a dealbreaker in terms of the progression of our relationship.
Do you think I’m worrying about this unnecessarily?

Coleen says
Well, first of all, this is causing you stress and worry, and the only way to put a stop to that is to quit stalling and tell her about Derek.
Honesty is the foundation of all good relationships, so start as you mean to go on.
I imagine it would be quite tricky to hide a python!
Look, if I really liked someone, a pet snake wouldn’t put me off, so long as it wasn’t slithering around the house or in the bed while I was there!
And if you tell her and she’s still happy to come over for the weekend, then don’t answer the door with Derek around your neck – make sure he’s securely in his tank.
I guess over time, once she gets to know Derek, she might become quite fond of him, but it’s probably wise to be sensitive and make the introductions gradually.
I went to a friend’s house for dinner once and this person had snakes, tarantulas, rats and even a wild cat.
It didn’t stop me from going for dinner, but I did warn them that if a tarantula crawled onto me, I might be in danger of flinging it across the room, although no animals were harmed in the course of the dinner as it turned out!
You’re obviously as passionate about exotic reptiles as I am about dogs, so I’m imagining Derek isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. So, if he does put this woman off, she’s probably not the one for you.
Good luck.