With no definite end to the coronavirus lockdown in sight, many of us will continue to find ourselves confined to our homes for the vast majority of the time, with people we may not wish to be around.
One man is currently struggling with just this, after discovering something rather shocking about his wife of 10 years.
While he was initially looking forward to spending the quarantine with his partner, recent events have made the situation incredibly complicated.
The unnamed man revealed all in a post on Reddit’s Am I The A**hole forum, where he asked for advice from fellow users about his predicament.
In his post, the man explained how earlier in the year, he and his wife had decided to take a break and try seeing other people.
They both had brief flings with other people, but ultimately realised they truly did love each other and wanted to carry on their relationship.
So they got back together and that’s how they found themselves when lockdown started.
However after taking STD and pregnancy tests to be sure they were sexually healthy to continue on with their relationship, they discovered the woman was pregnant.

The husband goes on to state that he’s never wanted children, but his wife is determined to keep the baby.
He wrote: “We’re child free (or at least I thought we were) and always had an agreement that if we ever had an accident we’d have a termination. The baby is definitely not mine, absolutely not possible.
“So she had a termination scheduled for last Thursday. She came to me on the day and said she just couldn’t go through with it – she wants to keep the baby. Now I freak out. I’ve told her we’ve always been child free and definitely I don’t want kids still. I don’t want to raise another man’s kid!
“She’s apologised to me for being so stupid but is saying she is 100 percent sure. I’ve been trying so hard to convince her she shouldn’t keep it but she’s just not having it. She’s said we can raise the kid as our own. I’m not having it. It would be hard enough if she had a kid of mine but at least I could accept that it’d be my kid if that happened. This kid will be another man’s! Nothing to do with me.”
He added: “What the sweet f**k do I do? I know the sensible answer is walk away and cut your losses but it’s not that easy. I love her and we’ve been in each other’s lives for so long. Plus were in the middle of a quarantine and she’s got nowhere to go. I’d feel horrible kicking a pregnant woman out to fend for herself at a time like this!? But I don’t want a kid, ever. Not even if it was my own.”
More than 200 people have replied to the post, sharing advice for the guy.
One person said: “You need to leave. If you’re this adamant about not wanting a child especially another man’s child then you need to leave so that kid has a chance at a good life. He/she won’t get that growing up feeling the resentment from you. Stop trying to get her to have an abortion that she clearly doesn’t want. You can’t wish this baby away and you can’t pretend everything is okay just because you love her and not the baby.”
Another commented: “I really admire your loyalty and compassion for her, but if you were already rocky enough to go on a break before this happened, I don’t think your relationship is strong enough to handle something this heavy.”
A third responded: “I know you love her but you will never accept this situation. Your life will change completely with a kid and it’s not even yours.”