A popular social media personality, Oloni asked a question on Twitter about secrets hidden from partners.

Although cheating was trivialised on Twitter, it is a major issue that destroys relationships, self-esteem and trust.
Here are some pretty interesting replies I got:
Dayo says: Why should she cheat? Anyhow I find out, it doesn’t change the impact. For her to get to the point of cheating that means I was never enough though.
Zubair I’d like to be told. I have a thing for knowing things. No real difference really because it is awful news but, I don’t have to turn to Sherlock Holmes to find out if she is unfaithful.
Abraham says: Please let her tell me herself. That’s better, at least it shows some sort of remorse and repentance. If I find out myself, that’s not good.
Tobi: Speak the truth and shame the devil. Let her tell me the truth. I’d rather not find out.
Isaac: If she has cheated in the past and has stopped, it’s another story, but currently cheating, firstly, she won’t even tell me so, I’d have to find out on my own. But if it is still on, I doubt anyone will confess. People confess if they’ve stopped and somehow feel that will in some way justify their actions.
If I can’t deal, I move on. Shebi she did it with her eyes wide open and, she enjoyed it? No need for her to be forming remorse or regret.
In every case, cheating is detrimental to both parties but offering them the chance to forgive you and decide if the relationship is one they want to pursue is better than them discovering a secret you have been hiding.