I am not calling for a revolution but… – Prof Agyemang-Duah



A former UN Senior Governance Advisor, Prof Baffour Agyemang-Duah, has a recommendation that he believes will lead to the transformation of the country.

According to him, Ghana’s system now corrupts any good character that enters governance, therefore, a more principled leader is what the country needs to turn things around.

Citing the late President Jerry John Rawlings’ revolution, the former UN Advisor said it kept people in line and ensured that rules and regulations were upheld by all and sundry.

While acknowledging that he does not want a revolution, Prof Agyemang-Duah stressed the importance of a principled leader in changing Ghana’s trajectory.

“We do have many good people, but the system we have created in this country will destroy you. But I think a combination of a strong principle and if we get a leadership that has that principle and you show the way, I think we can make a breakthrough.

“I am not calling for any revolution and I would hate for us to go back to Rawlings’ revolution because I am not a supporter of that but the fact is that when they used guns and violence to put people in line, people fell in line.”

He further added, “He was able to get Ghanaians to go to bed at 6:00 pm and wake up at 6:00 am for three years and nobody complained. I am not saying it was a good thing but when people ask how you do make a breakthrough, this is an example of a leader. Whoever, it may be, the person’s character, the person’s strength is sticking to principles,” he said on Joy FM’s Super Morning Show on Friday.

Corruption has been one of the problems the country is battling. According to the auditor general’s report, Ghana loses at least $3 billion to corruption annually.


Reduce the size of govt to protect public purse – Prof Agyeman-Duah to Akufo-Addo

KNUST victory good for governance – Prof Agyeman

Prior to assuming office in 2017, President Akufo-Addo who touted himself as an anti-corruption campaigner pledged to rid the country of any graft incidents and hold government officials who were found culpable to account.

It has been six years since the President took over, however, a section of Ghanaians believe the President has done very little to fight the canker.

While some believe the President should be held responsible for failing citizens, others believe the system being operationalised in the country makes it difficult for graft to be curbed.

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