John Mahama greets Koku Anyidoho with late VP Amissah Arthur looking on - File photo
John Mahama greets Koku Anyidoho with late VP Amissah Arthur looking on - File photo

Former Deputy General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Samuel Koku Anyidoho, has intensified his critique of the party’s flagbearer, former President John Dramani Mahama, questioning his commitment to the NDC.

He expressed his dismay over Mahama’s apparent disregard for significant dates in the party’s calendar.

“When it comes to the NDC as a party, we cannot erase June 4th from our history, nor can we ignore December 31st. When June 4th arrived, John Mahama, the leader and flagbearer of the party in an election year, couldn’t be bothered,” Anyidoho stated, highlighting Mahama’s lack of acknowledgment on key dates.

He continued, “The third date was June 22nd, which would have marked the 77th birthday of former President Rawlings if he were still alive, and John Mahama couldn’t be bothered. So, I ask myself, if you love the NDC, why don’t you cherish these days associated with the NDC?”

Mr. Anyidoho went on to underscore his belief that Mahama’s entry into the NDC was driven more by personal political ambitions than a genuine commitment to the party’s values and legacy.

“I am now convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that John Mahama’s entry into the NDC was to pursue his personal political agenda and not out of interest in the growth, development, and sustainability of the National Democratic Congress,” he asserted in an interview on Top Radio.

Despite his critical stance toward Mahama and the current NDC leadership, Mr. Anyidoho remains a member of the party.

In contrast, he has openly praised Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), on various occasions.