How Samini’s ‘Gyae Shi’ helped Pappy Kojo quit smoking


Rapper, Pappy Kojo has shared a personal story about his battle with addiction and how Samini’s iconic song Gyae Shi played a pivotal role in helping him quit smoking.

The rapper revealed that, his struggles with alcohol and weed severely affected his mental health, leading to a dark period in his life that eventually saw him enter rehab for two years.

Pappy Kojo said he had been a heavy drinker for nearly eight years, often consuming alcohol privately.

His addiction began at an early age, when he also started smoking weed due to peer pressure.

The musician said at a one point, his mental health deteriorated to the extent that he made public statements claiming to be gay, which he now clarifies were influenced by his confused state during his battle with addiction.

According to Pappy Kojo, his turning point came when he heard Samini’s Gyae Shi in 2004.

The song, which encourages listeners to stop smoking, struck a chord with him, motivating him to quit smoking and take control of his life.