Angel Carbonu

President of the National Association of Graduate Teachers, (NAGRAT), Angel Carbonu has disclosed challenges he faces regarding school admissions and disciplinary matters.

Speaking on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen programme Thursday, he revealed a troubling incident where he was approached with a request to secure admission for a student with an aggregate score of 37 to Wesley Girls High School .

“I found that request problematic. It will be an embarrassment to use an aggregate 37 to beg for a school” he stated.

According to him, when he suggested finding an alternative school, he was accused of falling to assist his community.

Mr. Carbonu recounted another incident where a student violated school rules and  was suspended.

He said the student’s mother begged him to use his position as NAGRAT President to intervene – a plea he vehemently opposed.

“I told the woman I cannot do that. I asked her to follow due process” Mr. Carbonu said.

Reflecting on these incidents, the NAGRAT President said “this is the society we find ourselves in. We have a long way to go as a country”.


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