Hot Audio: ‘Sacked Pentecost SHS Headmaster on hunger strike’


Dismissed headmaster of the Pentecost Senior High School, Wisdom Blazu is reportedly on hunger strike.

According to Nicholas Folie Mensah , Chairman of the Parents Teachers Association of the school, Mr. Blazu since he was relieve off his post by Ghana Education Service  has been left traumatized.

In an interview on Adom News, he said the embattled headmaster has refused to eat and cries uncontrollably when the issue is raised.

“I visited the headmaster and the wife said he has refused to eat. He even refused to see me and I think it’s a big blow to his family” he revealed.

The headmaster of Pentecost SHS, Wisdom Blazu and Assistant headmaster of Daffour SHS, Rev. S.P Eleworkor were sacked by the Ghana Education Service.

Seven other school administrators had been interdicted for various misconduct.

They include; Headmistress of Kwenyarko SHS Mrs Florence Pra, Ahantaman SHS headmistress Mrs Mercy Ocloo, Ekumfi Ameyaw SHS Techiman Julian Okon and his Assistants Jacob Barzon and George Frimpong Kwarteng.

But speaking to Adom News, Mr. Folie Mensah  expressed shock at the conduct of the GES since the school sought clearance before levying the students.

He explained that, the school acted upon a letter of approval they received from the GES in January well as an assurance by a GES representative to levy the students for the 2017/18 academic year.

“A letter was sent to the GES and they approved [GH¢40]” while a District Director also told them at a Board meeting that “the GH¢40 that we are taking, we can continue,” the PTA Chairman added.

Mr. Folie Mensah called on GES to as a matter of urgency rescind the decision and reinstate the headmaster or face their wrath.

Listen to the PTA Chairman

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