Hot Audio: Galamsey pit collapses, killing 26 yr-old man


A galamsey pit at Adansi Mpirekyire in the Adansi South district has collapsed killing a 26-year old miner, Isaac Gbafa around 4pm Monday.

The deceased was among a group of miners working a site close to the abandoned pit in the area.

According to an eye witness, the deceased had joined other labourers at the construction site to wash themselves after the day’s work and slipped into the pit which was filled with water.

He said an attempt by the colleagues to rescue him from the pit was not successful and they informed elders of the community about the mishap.

The eye witness said Isaac was dead when they managed to bring him out after performing some rituals.

The remains were later moved to the Obuasi Government Hospital awaiting for autopsy.

Click on attached audio for report