In the aftermath of the devastating fire that ravaged Kantamanto Market in Accra, traders are left with the grim task of sifting through debris to salvage what remains of their livelihoods.
The fire, which broke out at dawn on January 2, consumed over 100 shops, leaving behind charred structures and despair. Traders could be seen combing through the wreckage, recovering burned goods and assessing their losses.
Photos from the scene vividly depict the heartbreak, as many traders, overwhelmed with emotion, lamented the destruction of their wares, which they depend on for survival.
Firefighters worked tirelessly to contain the flames, but access challenges and depleted water supplies hampered efforts to save large sections of the market. While no lives were lost, the financial toll has been devastating.
The traders now face the daunting task of rebuilding, with calls for urgent support to restore their livelihoods and prevent such tragedies in the future.