Health Minister, Dr Bernard Okoe Boye has instructed a committee formed by the Ghana Health Service (GHS) to investigate the alleged abandonment of a patient at Gomoa Ojobi to submit its findings within 30 days.

The committee comprises the Deputy Director-General of GHS, a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon from Ridge Hospital, representatives from the Ministry of Health and the Social Welfare Department, and a senior Nurse Manager.

The committee’s task is to determine the full circumstances of the case and recommend appropriate actions.

The investigation will focus on establishing the patient’s identity and background, reviewing the events leading to the patient’s admission the Trauma and Specialist Hospital, and examining the diagnosis and management at the hospital.

It will also scrutinize the processes involved in the patient’s discharge and transportation to Ojobi, identify all individuals involved in these actions, and report on any other relevant issues arising from the incident.

The Health Minister charged the committee thorough investigation to uncover all aspects of the case and ensure accountability.

The committee is expected to provide comprehensive recommendations to prevent similar occurrences and improve patient care standards at healthcare facilities under the GHS.