The Grand Master of the District Grand Lodge of Ghana, R.W. Bro. Isaac Owulaku Hood, has issued a notice to all members to contribute financially in support of the fight against the deadly coronavirus.
He said with a consideration to possibly closing the appeal for funds earlier than 30th April 2020, as originally envisaged, “I would be grateful if contributions could be received before 20th April, 2020.”
The Grand Master bemoaned the attitude of some Masons of doubtless rank and fortune who are yet to contribute to the fund to support the Covid-19 fight.
“In renewing this appeal, I can only add that from the close monitoring of the contribution report, I find the names of many Mason of doubtless ran and fortune prominently and conspicuously mission thus far. Needless to state that I look forward most expectantly to their contributions shortly,” he said in a statement to all members.
Read full statement below: