Gomoa Fetteh chiefs ban live bullet, motorbikes


The chiefs of Gomoa Fetteh, led by Omankrado Nana Kwesi Quansah, have prohibited the use of live bullets and motorbikes during the ongoing Ahorba Kese festival.

This decision aims to prevent any potential disasters that may occur during the celebrations.

In an interview with Adom News, Nana Kwesi Quansah emphasized that the Ghana Police have been instructed to arrest anyone found carrying guns with live bullets.

He also appealed to the youth participating in the Akosolontoba Dance (Atopa Dance) to dress modestly to maintain respect for the stool and avoid any form of embarrassment.

Meanwhile, Guantuahene of Gomoa Fetteh, Nana Ekow Enyinda, has extended an invitation to investors to take advantage of the vast land available in Gomoa Fetteh to promote economic growth and development in the area.

The Ahorba Kese festival is an important cultural event in Gomoa Fetteh, and the chiefs want to ensure a safe and enjoyable celebration for all participants.

Source: Seth Kofi Adjei

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