Goldline Mining Company invests in construction of 2.5km road in Amansie


Goldline Mining Company Limited is investing part of its profits in the improvement of road network in the the Amansie South District of Ashanti region.

A total of 2.5 kilometres of road will be reshaped, with eight major bridges and drains constructed under the project.

This is in response to an appeal for the company to adopt the initiative as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility.

In the rainy season, many communities are cut off due to flooding and the rough nature of roads in the Amansie area.

Farmers are unable to visit their farms, sometimes for days.

This negatively impact their livelihoods.

“On rainy days, we find it difficult to go to our farms. Sometimes, we don’t go because it floods”, a farmer, Margeret Abrafi says.

Roads in the Manso enclave, a major area for gold production, remain in poor shape.

Government has already commenced construction of about 60 kilometres of road, including a 25km highway to link Ashanti and Western North Regions.

Nonetheless, some areas are yet to be served.

District Chief Executive for Amansie South, Clement Opoku Gyamfi, is optimistic the partnership with the mining company for the 2.5km road will largely benefit communities.

“As part of the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility, they will construct eight bridges and do some drains for us as well as reshaping of roads. Whenever it rains economic activities cease, the construction will benefit all individuals”, he said.

Already, most of the materials needed for the construction is secured for project take off.

Chief Executive Officer of Goldline Mining Company, Emmanuel Ababio, is upbeat about the economic benefits of the road.

“We can’t wait on the government for the road. The government is already burdened so we have taken it on ourself to make the road”, he said.