Ghana News – National House of Chiefs pledge support to President Akufo-Addo


The Standing Committee of the National House of Chiefs on Tuesday, February 7, 2017, paid a courtesy call on the President of the Republic, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, to congratulate him on his victory in the December 2016 elections, and also to congratulate him on his assumption of the highest office of the land.

The Committee, led by Togbe Afede XIV, President of the National House of Chiefs, noted that “in electing you as President, the people of Ghana, unhappy with their circumstances, have endorsed your agenda for change.Many of your pronouncements and actions since your assumption of office are very reassuring, and we would like to commend and assure you of our support.”

In the company of other members of the Standing Committee, Togbe Afede XIV, noted that President Akufo-Addo’s “promise to be President for all Ghanaians, and to create opportunities for all, is consistent with the requirements of the constitution.

“We are happy about the boldness of your vision and the initiatives you have taken so far. We are excited about your 1-district-1-factory programme; we see in it a serious commitment to bring jobs to the people.”

Togbe Afede also commended the President’s commitment towards rebuilding the inner cities and Zongo communities, as well the commitment to paying special attention to the road, railway and aviation sectors, adding that “the material development of Africa can be summed up on one word – transport.”

On the fight against corruption, the President of the National House of Chiefs applauded President Akufo-Addo’s stance against corruption and his commitment to fighting it. The declaration of assets by the President was described by Togbe Afede XIV as “a more refreshing commitment of the intent to fighting corruption.”

Togbe Afede XIV also stressed that “politicians should never be jealous of the people they lead, and become stumbling blocks to their progress. Never should politicians behave like rivals of hardworking Ghanaians, stealing their ideas and truncating their projects – projects that will create jobs for the people.”

To President Akufo-Addo, he noted that “the task at hand cannot be accomplished by you alone. The desired growth, development and prosperity will not come from the exploitation of our natural resources alone. We have to tap the entrepreneurship and ingenuity of our people. That is why we are calling on all Ghanaians to lend their support. There is no room for apathetic spectating.”

Togbe Afede, in concluding, urged President Akufo-Addo to “lead us selflessly, so that our success will cause the redemption of the black man, so that we can serve, once again, as an example to all our racial compatriots.”

He also assured President Akufo-Addo of the desire of the National House of Chiefs to partner with and support government “to resolve all outstanding chieftaincy disputes. We have no choice”.

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