A visit to the gynaecologist is something no woman looks forward to, with most of us counting down the seconds until the appointment ends.
But what is running through a gynaecologist’s mind when they give patients the most intimate check ups?
An eye-opening Whisper post reveals what gynaecologists are really thinking, with some surprising results.
Many wanted to reassure nervous patients that they’d seen everything before, with one saying they want women to leave thinking it wasn’t as bad as they thought it would be.
However, some gynaecologists had more shocking confessions, including one male doctor who admitted he sometimes gets turned on by his patients.
Below Femail reveals the most surprising things gynaecologists are really thinking…
One rather shocking confession revealed that some male gynaecologists actually get turned on by their patients.
This male gynaecologist admitted his wife isn’t entirely comfortable with his job
This gynaecologist had a rather unpleasant experience with a patient who had wind
Despite their jobs Even gynaecologists find their gynaecologist appointments uncomfortable