Food and Beverage Association kicks against Excise Tax Stamp machine


The Food and Beverage Association of Ghana (FABAG) is opposing the introduction of new machines for affixing Excise Tax Stamps on their products by the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA).

FABAG in a statement issued by its Chairman Reverend John Awuni argued that “we unequivocally reiterate our rejection of any moves to introduce new machines to replace what we currently use in our facilities for the Excise Tax Stamp System.”

“Our members are satisfied with the current machines Ghana Revenue Authority has installed in our premises to facilitate their compliance effort,” the Association added in the statement.

The Association also revealed that they oppose the introduction of these machines because their members have yet to recover from the costs incurred in procuring and installing machines purchased earlier to support the implementation of the tax.

FBAG was even quick to add that “most of the players even acquired their machines as recent as 2020 and any replacement at this time will mean that the Ghana Revenue Authority is not bothered about the expected financial cost”

They noted that the “Long-standing working capital inadequacy challenges is going to be compounded by any forced introduction of a new machine for manufacturing firms and businesses”

“We will interpret any arrangement to replace our current machines as a calculated scheme to exploit the manufacturer rather than making payment of the stamp convenient,” the Association added.