The Executive Director for Ghana National Council of Private Schools (GNACOPS) Enoch Kwasi Gyetuah has said that most private schools are facing a lot of challenges when it comes to flooding in Ghana.
According to him, most school children cannot move from home anytime it rains because flooding has been the order of the day, especially in Greater Accra.
“This is a worry because we have structured our syllabus with the number of weeks we have so if students are not able to go to school because the whole place is flooded due to rainfall, then it affects the academic performance of the child because the final examination is written by all regardless of you been able to complete your syllabus or not,” he said at a media briefing.
He also pointed out that this flooding issue we are facing as a country poses a lot of threats to school children.

“This is because some electrical wires do fall off as a result of strong winds which ushers the heavy downpour in. After the rains, these wires are no longer visible and school children who are not privileged to have parents pick them up after school will find themselves trucked by such electrification,” he added.
Mr Gyetuah further pleaded with the Director-General of NADMO, Eric Nana Agyeman Prempeh to help curb this flood situation by putting measures such as fining anyone caught dumping refuse into gutters.
He proposed two years imprisonment for persons caught dumping refuses at inappropriate places.
He also called on the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) to give much attention to the issuing of permits for construction.