#FixTheCountry to donate items to inmates of Ashaiman Police Station cell


The #FixTheCountry Movement will be donating some food items and toiletries to former cell mates of convenor Oliver Barker-Vormawor, locked up at the Ashaiman Police Station.

Mr. Barker-Vormawor, who disclosed the information, said the donation comes off on Sunday at 2:00pm.

In a Facebook post, Mr Barker-Vormawor, who was recently released on bail, said the reason for the donation is “the state does not provide food for persons arrested and kept in cells. No matter how long they are held. Sometimes for three years awaiting trial.”

According to him, they eat at the benevolence of the few that receive visitors. He recounted the days he spent at the Ashaiman Police Station over treason felony charges.

“When I went into the cells, I met people who had not eaten for three-five days. Cells that should accommodate three people maximum, had up to 55, at some points; with no ventilation. When I protested the fact that people go days without eating, I was told ‘they are used to it’.”


Barker-Vormawor’s interesting post after being released

Oliver Barker-Vormawor finally out of police custody [Audio]

Oliver Barker-Vormawor spends one more night behind bars despite bail

The #FixTheCountry convener, while in Police custody, embarked on a hunger strike. According to a colleague in the Movement, Felicity Nelson, his action was to protest what she described as the false democracy under which the governance system is being run.

In his recent post, Mr. Barker-Vormawor thanked his family for understanding his decision to go on a hunger strike, which is to “pass on my food to those who had nothing. (Even though they struggled with my decision for health reasons).”

Meanwhile, the #FixTheCountry Movement has called on Ghanaians to join the good cause.

“Please join if you can, after church. Your presence will mean more to me than your donations.

“Our cells showcase the extent of man’s inhumanity to man. And we must see these things. We cannot solve our problems by throwing money at it from a distance. Unless our value systems are shocked for us to wake up, we will be absent-minded collaborators in the death of our brothers.”

However, the Movement has noted that citizens who cannot be present for the donation can support financially by making donations.

Oliver Barker-Vormawor

The activist is facing Treason Felony charges after a social media post in which he threatened a coup. He was arrested on February 11 at the Kotoka International Airport, upon arriving from the United Kingdom.

The convener was released 24 hours after he was granted a GH¢2 million bail by a Tema High Court on Wednesday, March 16.

Mr. Barker-Vormawor’s bail condition included providing two sureties; one of whom should deposit documents to his landed property in execution of the bail.

The activist should not have spent a night in prison after being granted bail, but for a development that the Lands Commission was yet to confirm some of the landed properties requested as part of his bail conditions.

Mr. Barker-Vormawor is required to report to the Police once a week.