A female fan tried seducing me – Yaw Siki


The ‘Wop3 dodo’ hitmaker Yaw Siki, now ‘Brother Yaw’ said goodbye to doing secular music after surviving a near-death accident in April 2013.

After his recovery last year, the former hiplife artiste had to sacrifice the fame, money and temporal ‘goodies’ that came with stardom and has since taken on to evangelism.

Though he finds the work of God fulfilling, he says it also came with its own challenges.

In an exclusive with TV3’s Owusu Worae, Brother Yaw disclosed how tempting it gets sometimes working in God’s vineyard.

“The temptation comes but the grace of God keeps me going,” he stated emphatically.

How is he able to overcome such temptation? Brother yaw responded: “I do what is written in 1 Corinthians 6:18, it says flee sexual immorality….”

He revealed how a female fan attempted seducing him. It is his wish that his songs are not played again. He explains that “I feel that the message (in the old songs) does not edify people”.