A missing 41-year-old woman’s note she has left behind for her family has uncovered deep secrets surrounding her life, thus heightening the concerns of her family.
The family say Comfort Siaw, who is a shea butter dealer, has for a year never been seen after what was supposed to be a three-day travel with her business partner.
It took a call from the said partner months later to inform the family that Comfort did not make it to their trip, revealing that she absconded with a huge sum of money.
However, a search for the missing Comfort ended when a note was discovered in her room.
The note detailed how she was in fact not missing but has rather duped her family to travel overseas for greener pastures.
The reason for her action, Comfort said in her letter, is that her well-traveled family showed no interest in helping her financially, hence she hatched a plan to dupe them with the pretext of going to do a family business.
Comfort, together with her lover absconded with over GHS 100,000 which she has pledged to pay back should she become financially stable wherever she is traveling to.
In the concluding part of the letter, the ninth born of her family who was until the discovery of the note believed to be a virgin said she was pregnant and in due time, the family will be notified of her baby’s father.
Find the lady’s hand-written note below: