The grieving families of a 26-year-old man who is believed to have died in police custody in Ho, are demanding an investigation into the tragic loss.

The deceased, Felix Azibodzi, who hailed from Ziope in the Volta region, was said to have been arrested by the police in connection with a robbery incident.

He was sent to the Volta regional police headquarters on Wednesday, August 9, but passed away while in custody.

The deceased, according to the families, left home healthy and strong but never returned.

The families told GHOne News they only heard of his death two days later when police officers from the Volta regional command visited the family to inform them of his arrest and subsequent demise.

The incident has sparked outrage within his community as families accuse the police of murder.

The incident has left the families with many unanswered questions.

According to the Azibodzi family, checks on the body at the Ho Teaching Hospital morgue indicate that the deceased was physically molested while in custody.

Though the police administration in the region is yet to comment on the issue, sources within the service have debunked any wrongdoing on the part of the police.

It was, however, confirmed that the deceased was arrested in connection with a car theft on the said Wednesday but was discovered sick the following day, while in custody.

He was believed to have been sent to the hospital on Thursday, August 10, for treatment, where he passed.