Workers at the Eyifua wood village in Cape Coast North Constituency have threatened to block a bad dusty road with their wood if the Cape Coast Metropolitan Assembly fails to address the issue.

They are demanding the repair of the road from the Cape Coast Sports Stadium Junction to Wesley Girls’ School gate, expressing frustration over the Assembly’s lack of commitment to fixing the problem.

According to their spokesperson, Frank Sekyere, the road’s poor condition has resulted in multiple accidents, including three involving Pragya motorcycles in just one week, one of which affected a pregnant woman.

Sekyere stated that the Assembly had previously destroyed their sheds, promising to fix the road, but the subsequent roadwork was substandard and was washed away within two weeks.

Sekyere highlighted that even Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia was redirected to use a bypass at Abura to reach the Cape Coast Technical University due to the road’s poor condition.

He emphasized that the community’s health and livelihoods are severely impacted by the dust and that they can no longer remain indifferent to the issue.

Sekyere warned that the road’s condition could harm the electoral prospects of their parliamentary candidate, Ekow Horace Ewusi, if he fails to engage the government for a solution.

He suggested that if the current NPP government continues to neglect the road, the community may vote for the opposition NDC in the next election to secure improvements.