With all of us co-existing with a virus, practising social distancing and wearing a mask are some of the preventive measures we can take to save ourselves from the risk of catching the deadly infection.
Experts also say that wearing a mask can be the simplest thing to cut down the risk of developing a second wave of infection in many countries. However, there still are some who stay away from donning the protective gear altogether.
Images on social media are going viral of people being fined or coming up with different excuses to not wear a mask.
A researcher has now given a visual example to educate the masses as to why it is so important to wear a mask during these times.
Demonstrating how masks can cut down the risk of transmission, a medical researcher conducted a simple experiment using agar cultures.
For the same, he showed two photos explaining as to how transmission of respiratory droplets can happen with or without a mask.

As evident, it was seen that the plate with the agar culture attracted far more droplets (ergo, the bad bacteria and viruses being expelled out of your mouth) every time he coughed or sneezed. On the other hand, wearing a mask was able to contain almost all of the viruses.
This experiment also serves as an extension of proof that microbes present in the droplets, which are responsible for the infection spreading can travel for long distances and also settle in the environment, raising the risk of infection.
The photos are scary enough to make you put on a mask, for your own safety. Researchers have also attested that even asymptomatic carriers may be able to spread infection by simple acts like talking or singing for a minute’s time. Hence, quarantine and isolation is all the more important, more so if we want to avoid a possible second wave.
The scientist, Rich David also conducted a similar experiment to show the effect of social distancing. As witnessed, the plate of agar culture attracted more germs when an infected carrier sneezed or coughed less than six feet away.
Hence, masks are not just effective, but all the more important to slow down the wave of infections.