Enemy within: How NPP bigwigs plotted excavator brouhaha


The last few weeks have been dominated by the disappearance of some 500 excavators that had been seized from the illegal mining operators by government taskforce, Operation Vanguard and Galamstop teams.

While the media has widely reported on the missing excavators and the news of New Patriotic Party’s Vice Chairman of the Central Region, Horace Ekow Ewusi’s arrest in connection of same, hardly has any hardcore evidence been adduced to that effect.

Information, however, filtering in from the Central Region suggest there was an inside job that was targeted at damaging the reputation of Mr Ewusie and to use him as a sacrificial lamb of the misdeeds of some party bigwigs irrespective of the consequences to the party.

Deep throat sources within the NPP in the region have revealed to us that three meetings were held at the office of the Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection and Member of Parliament for Agona West, Mrs. Cynthia Morrison to orchestrate the agenda.

The agenda, according to our sources, was to start with publications in the media that some 500 excavators had evaporated.

The next stage was to cause Mr Ewusie’s arrest, leading to a possible prosecution and incarceration.

Crafters of agenda, our sources say, include highly-placed officers of the NPP in the region, names we shall publish in subsequent publications.

The agenda, our sources say, was aimed at causing disgrace to the person of Mr Ewusie whose hard work in the region has sustained the party since its assumption of office in 2017.

The next agendum was to instigate him against the police to proceed to court after his arrest and get the courts to remand him in prison custody until such time that the CID will complete its investigations.

There is also the component of the agenda that seeks to pray the courts or any law enforcement body directly connected with crimes to freeze his personal bank accounts.

Currently, attempts are being made by the architects of the agenda to sponsor some party faithfuls to demonstrate to the national officers of the party to petition them in order to eliminate Mr Ekow-Ewusie from the party as he has allegedly brought the name of the party into disrepute and public ridicule.

These fact findings as revealed from deep throat sources within the party and close associates of the perpetrator’s is grounded in the mere that when Mr Ekow Ewusie is put behind bars, his agenda to unseat some non-performing Members of Parliament (MP’s) in the C/R will be shattered and broken into miserable pieces.

An executive member of the party in the Upper Denkyira East Constituency in the Central Region also informed us that the Hon Minister of Transport, Hon Asiamah indicated to him that, the grounds work for this plan has been made and nothing can block it.

We have gathered that the current happenings in the Central Region has demoralized some young patriots and destabilized party activities as well as causing disaffection and apathy to the teeming and enterprising youth in the region.

The youth, our sources say, see the Central Regional Mr Ewusie as a symbol of benevolence and a man willing to help all and sundry.

A cross section of the youth have petitioned the National leadership of the party, to settle the matter and caution or instigate disciplinary proceedings against the architects as the party is may loose in the upcoming general election, a misfortune that will cost the President and the party at large.

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