Deputy Finance Minister, Kwaku Kwarteng
Deputy Finance Minister, Kwaku Kwarteng

The Member of Parliament for Obuasi West, Kwaku Kwarteng has asked all political parties ahead of the 2024 election to adopt a more realistic and accountable approach in their manifestoes.

In an interview on JoyNews’ PM Express, Mr Kwarteng cautioned against the traditional approach of making lofty promises in manifestoes.

According to him, there is little room for extravagant pledges given the current economic challenges facing the nation.

“Manifestoes in this upcoming general election… shouldn’t be ‘we can do’ or ‘we shall do’. There is nothing to use to do anything for anybody,” he said on Thursday.

Instead, Mr Kwarteng advocated for a candid acknowledgment of past mistakes and a clear articulation of how political parties intend to address the root causes of the country’s economic crisis.

He called for a shift in focus towards building a culture of accountability and responsibility, where elected officials work collaboratively with citizens to effect meaningful change.

“We should stop promising things that can never be delivered. Instead, we should say, ‘It is time for work, and if you elect me I will hold your hands for us to work together,’” he stated.

Highlighting the need for a change in political rhetoric, Mr Kwarteng emphasised the importance of communicating a message of shared responsibility and collective action.

He urged politicians to refrain from making unrealistic promises and instead focus on practical solutions that address the needs and concerns of the electorate.