#DumsorMustStop Vigil: I was triggered by the Tema General Hospital incident – Yvonne Nelson


In response to the tragic news of a 3-day-old baby’s death at Tema General Hospital following a power outage, actress and producer Yvonne Nelson organized the second ‘Dumsor’ protest.

The mother, Ramatu, revealed that doctors informed her the baby’s death was due to the power cut on March 28, 2024.

This incident sparked widespread anger among Ghanaians, who directed their frustration towards the government and the Electricity Company of Ghana.

During the protest, Yvonne Nelson expressed her fear of losing a loved one to the power crisis, underscoring the urgency to highlight dumsor’s devastating impact.

“Let me tell you why I organized it. I saw a video from Tema General Hospital. I have a condition now, so when I saw the video, it really spoke to me; it really touched me because I know that I could find myself in that position very soon,” Nelson said. “I am a Ghanaian. I had my first daughter in Ghana, and I may have my future kids in Ghana, so what if it happens to me in the hospital? So, I was a little triggered when I saw that video. It is the reason I went to social media and decided to tweet about dumsor.”

The #DumsorMustStop vigil, held on June 8, 2024, garnered significant attention, with participants gathering at the University of Ghana to begin the protest.

Several participants were captured wearing black outfits and red caps, holding placards and lanterns as they marched to their destination, determined to draw the government’s attention to the critical issue of power outages in the country.