
The Energy Minister, Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh, insists that the erratic power outage being experienced is not dumsor as known in the local parlance.

He said ‘Dumsor’ only happened under former President John Mahama’s administration.

The Minister was speaking at the Government Assurances Committee meeting in Accra on Friday, May 3.

“Dumsor as inflicted on Ghanaians has only happened as characterised by his excellency John Dramani Mahama’s governance.

“He is the only president on record that for four years that he reigned, for four years that he ruled, for four years that he governed, there was ‘dum dum dum.’ If the non-partisan colleague says that now it is worse, then I don’t know where his realities lie,” he stated.

Napo, as he is popularly known, maintained that the power crisis is as a result of efforts to rectify the energy challenges.

“I told you that when I got to the Ministry, we have gone past the era where we had 72 to 96 days of lights out and six hours of lights on. We are in the era of ‘dum siesie’ which is profoundly different from dumsor,” he noted.

He added that, “dum sie sie” implies that the lights go off so that maintenance work and other activities within the energy sector can be carried out.