Dorithy Baffoe performs George Darko’s ‘Akoo Te Brofo’SourceGhana | | Gershon Mortey Hot VideoHot VideosNsrommaTrending VideosDecember 12, 2019 10:54 am-ShareFacebookWhatsAppTwitterTelegramEmailPinterestPrint FacebookWhatsAppTwitterTelegramEmailPinterestPrint Previous articleThe first thing MOST people think when they wake upNext articleMedical breakthrough in Ghana as Korle Bu performs 4 kidney transplantsRELATED ARTICLES NewsShock as fishermen’s net pulls out dead body from sea Local NewsInterior Minister reviews curfew hours for Walewale and surrounding areas crimeJ.B. Danquah Case: Lawyers for ‘Sexy Don Don’ to apply for bail on March 25