Horrified readers have been left unable to sleep after someone shared the results of their attempts to remove an ‘earwax blockage’ which had been bugging them for days.
The anonymous person explains they were woken up in the middle of the night and immediately felt something was wrong with their left ear.
It was not painful but it caused a ‘loud crackling noise’ every few seconds, which they had never experienced with a build up of earwax previously.
They put a cotton pad with a bit of olive oil in the ear to soften the wax, and the crackling noise was replaced with ‘soft ticking sounds’ which made it difficult to sleep, but eventually they managed to nod off again.

The next morning the sounds were gone but the blockage remained, so they spent the next few days attempting to remove it themsevles.
They gently put water in their ear, tried again to soften the wax with oil, and even resorted to using tweezers – which they say they know they shouldn’t have done, as it can cause serious damage.
“All these methods failed to get the earwax out, until today,” they wrote.
“I was once again stupidly poking around with tweezers inside my ear, when I finally managed to grab the earwax. Excited, I took it out and wanted to look at what my ear had just birthed.

“To my horror, the blockage in my left ear was not caused by earwax, but it was caused by what looked like a kind of tiny moth.
“This creature had somehow managed to climb into my ear at 2 a.m., caused me to wake up and couldn’t leave my ear because of the cotton pad I had stuffed inside.
“I am still trying to process that I had a dead moth in my ear for half a week.”
After terrifying readers on Reddit, the user wasn’t done there as they then posted a picture of the creature they had pulled out.
The story left many thoroughly freaked out, as one replied: “I’ve never had so many f***ing feels just from reading something in my entire life. Chills, sweaty hands and feet, gag reflex, eyes watered and more I’m sure that I couldn’t process.”
Another said: “I’m never sleeping again.”
A third terrifyingly added: “Wait til the eggs hatch.”