Salam Mustapha

The National Youth Organizer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Salam Mustapha has said the party stand a greater chance to win the 2024 election than its main opponent, the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

However, the NPP needs to address internal issues, remain united and fight apathy which are factors that may threaten their victory.

“If we fight apathy, we will win the election hands down,” he declared.

Mustapha sent this message of caution on Asempa FM Ekosii Sen programme Wednesday stressing the NPP is its problem so far as the election is concerned.

“NPP has the numbers and if we put it to play, the NDC will stand no dog chance. I will plead with members to remain united because we are fighting too much. This is our election to lose and if we lose, it is because we handed it over to the NDC because they do not have what it takes to win,” he stated.

The Youth Organiser urged the rank and file to actively campaign to secure the party’s victory that will suffice than than of the NDC.

“We will make one of the biggest history in Ghana that ;is winning three elections in a row and we will do it,” he added.

Listen to Salam Mustapha in the attached audio