Dambai Pontoon breakdown leaves scores of vehicles, passengers stranded


The technical challenge of the Dambai pontoon in the Krachi East Municipality of the Oti Region has forced the ferry to cancel all sailings between Dambai and the Krachi Nchumuru Districts, leaving many travelers and passengers, including vehicles, stranded.

An Adom News visit to Dambai revealed that the pontoon, which broke down on Thursday night, had not been fixed as of Monday.

The news team also witnessed divers removing rocks from the Oti River under the propeller, which had prevented the ferry from docking on the other side of the river.

This incident resulted in the death of 42-year-old Kofi Tyee, who was attempting to fix the faulty engine.

In an interview, some passengers traveling from Accra to Kpandai and other parts of the country urged authorities to provide an additional ferry.

Some also suggested a bridge be built across the river as a permanent solution to the problem.

The stranded passengers also called on the Volta Lake Transport Company Limited to erect a pavilion for travelers.

Also, former DCE for the area, Peter Awuranyi, appealed for an additional ferry to ease transportation between Dambai and other adjoining districts and regions.


Pontoon breakdowns in Dambai cause major delays

Cargo truck falls off pontoon at Dambai

Diver dies while repairing malfunctioning pontoon engine on Oti river [Photos]

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